July 2012

Capacity building needs towards Aichi targets in North Africa and West Asia

The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) organized recently a Sub-regional workshop for West Asia and North Africa on capacity building for the implementation of the Programme of work on Protected Areas (PoWPA), which took place in Dubai (EAU) from 16 to 20 April 2012.

Currently, some 13% of terrestrial areas and 5% of coastal areas are protected. According to the Aichi target 11, by 2020 at least 17% of terrestrial and 10% of coastal and marine areas should be effectively and equitable managed through an ecosystem approach. 

Participants to this workshop from governments and regional institutions discussed the level of implementation of the CBD PoWPA at national level as well as the means for adapting Aichi Strategic Plan on Biodiversity 2012-2020 to National contexts .

During this event, IUCN (both Mediterranean and West Asia Regional offices) in coordination with the CBD Secretariat conducted a session on assessment of capacity building needs to support the PoWPA framework in which 18 different country representatives participated. It was also an opportunity to introduce the IUCN Programme on Protected Areas along with the IUCN regional capacity building initiatives and achievements in Protected Areas in the region.

Top four capacity building needs were proposed by participants to further explore information and skills requested to meet those goals. These needs included protected area management planning, financial sustainability, raising awareness of decision makers and stakeholders, and protected areas networking and connectivity. Consensus was reached over 16 training programmes identified as the most important training needs to fulfill the capacity gaps towards achieving target 11 by 2020 in this framework.

The CBD Secretariat, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), IUCN and other relevant bodies in the region will join efforts to put together a defined plan and framework to implement training activities and secure the required financial support.

More info: maher.mahjoub@iucn.org

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