December 2012

Red List training workshop in Istambul

A Red List Training workshop for the Mediterranean Biodiversity Assessments for plants and dung beetles was held from 30 October to 2 November 2012 in Istanbul, Turkey. The workshop was organized by the IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation in collaboration with IUCN Red List Unit (Cambridge, UK).

The workshop involved 22 plant experts and 4 dung beetle experts from 14 different countries of the Mediterranean who were trained in the use and application of IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. It was a fruitful opportunity to discuss the species lists, the next steps in the project and for the experts to get to know each other.

This training workshop was held in the framework of the "Mediterranean Biodiversity Assessment - II" which aims to assess the extinction risk of Mediterranean butterflies, saproxylic beetles, dung beetles, anthozoa and monocotyledon plants.

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