July 2012

Swimming across the Mediterranean and the Black Seas

New report by experts on the status of the Mediterranean porpoises, dolphins and whales now available. It shows for the first time the regional status for those cetacean species resident in the Mediterranean Sea, presenting a more endangered status as compared with their global standing.

Out of the 87 cetacean species existing worldwide (whales, dolphins and porpoises), 21 species and three subspecies have been sighted in the Medi¬terranean and Black Seas. Eight of these have regular populations in the Mediterranean, three subspecies are endemic to the Black Sea (i.e. not found anywhere else in the world) and 12 are visitors and appear from time to time in the Mediterranean. However, information for many of them is still patchy and limited to few areas. Furthermore, the status of marine turtles and the only seal in the region are highly endangered and 61% of cetaceans are also vulnerable or endangered.

This new publication was launched on the occasion of the Third Meeting of National Correspondents of the Strategic Action Programme for the Conservation of Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean Region (SAP BIO) / MedMPAnet Project Mid-term Workshop held in Málaga from 4 to 6 July 2012, organised by the Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA) with the support of the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment and the IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation.

More info: mariadelmar.otero@iucn.org

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