December 2013

IUCN Mediterranean projects showcased at IMPAC3

Several IUCN Mediterranean projects were presented at the 3rd International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC3). The Congress took place in Marseille and Corsica, France, from October 21 to October 27, 2013 and brought together major marine specialists and other maritime stakeholders to assist in the conservation and sustainable development of the oceans. The event takes place every four years, this year being organized by IUCN together with the French Marine Protected Areas Agency.

The IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, in participation with MedPAN (Network of MPA managers in the Mediterranean) addressed key issues of monitoring tools for invasive species, networks of marine protected areas, marine protected areas for fisheries and conservation of open seas. Case studies from Morocco, Mediterranean, West Africa and the Caribbean and the MedPAN North and MedOpenSeas projects were highlighted during different workshops, discussions and presentation events as well.

Mediterranean participation:

* Ocean + evening event: How do regional MPA networks contribute to implementing the CBD Aichi targets? Sharing Mediterranean experience with other regional seas initiatives.

* Ecoregional analysis - This Café, organised by MedPAN, dealt with several issues:

 - Workshop -Sustainable Ocean Initiative and regional experiences: fisheries, from threat to partnership

 - Workshop - Blue Carbon - Posidonia case.


For further info: Alain Jeudy


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