April 2014

A new Guiding Toolkit for Increasing Climate Change Resilience for the Mediterranean region

Started in January 2011, the SEARCH project comes to its end, and is happy to announce the launching of a Guiding toolkit for Increasing Climate Change Resilience.

The aim of the toolkit is to provide guidance and recommendations on how to develop climate change resilient strategies and plans at national, sub-national and local levels. Moreover, his Toolkit aspires to support all those involved in the design of measurable, verifiable, and reportable resilience initiatives in the four major sectors of Agriculture, Water, Ecological and Social by providing step-by-step guidance on the process; and it is particularly relevant for those who wants to improve local climate change resilience.

This toolkit was produced with the support and commitment of the SEARCH partners, which IUCN-Med is part of: Indeed, the Mediterranean Center has been supporting Moroccan partners to implement the SEARCH Morocco Country component.

SEARCH, or "Social, Ecological and Agricultural Resilience in the face of climate change in the Mediterranean Region Project", is a three year regional project working in five countries: Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Lebanon and Palestine. Funded by the European Union, the idea of the project is that a close link exists between resilience of ecosystems and resilience of people. This idea is the basis of the general objective of SEARCH, which is to "Increase social and ecological resilience in watershed ecosystems of the Mediterranean Region in the face of climate and other drivers of change".

For more information: Marcos Valderrábano


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