
March 2016

Prespa Lake IPA, a landscape moulded by nature and people

Prespa Lake is set within a beautiful landscape including two islands extensive wetlands and is surrounded by mountains which keep the water calm. A diverse ecosystem has evolved molded over the centuries by nature and people. Situated in the southwestern part of Macedonia, Prespa Lake is bounded by Albania and Greece and is one of the 13 transboundary IPAs in Macedonia and enjoys good recognition by all three countries as well as a wider interest from international partners.

The whole lake ecosystem is identified as a 'Monument of Nature' (or IUCN category III protected area). Of particular interest is the special area known as the Ezerani site which is a very important wetland for the entire ecosystem. Ezerani and the Prespa Lake more widely are managed from Resen, the nearest municipality.

The area is known for its large orchards and apple production. Pesticide use in the orchards causes pollution in the Lake and demonstrates the importance of considering land use pressures on IPAs which are especially acute along the coast where farmers are often unaware of the negative influence their activities has on neighbouring ecosystems.

Lake Prespa ecosystem is particularly rich in biodiversity and is well recognised for its bird interest. The plants typical for such ecosystem are very peculiar. For example, the threatened Aldrovanda vesiculosa (category Aii species) occurs within the IPA and is very popular with botanists and locals alike and is known locally as 'Water-wheel'. Unfortunately, A. vesiculosa is increasingly difficult to find following human impacts on the site.

In light of this threat the Macedonian Ecological Society, national partner in Macedonian, together with the local associates and volunteers is launching a search for the "Water-wheel" plant during 2016. While searching for this special plant, monitoring of other characteristic plants in this habitat will also be monitored, including Water Chestnut, Floating Fern, Yellow Water-lily, and the European White Water-lily.

Local NGOs, schools and individuals have been informed about the project and invited to take part with the full support of Resen municipality. The monitoring project has also been shared on the transboundary 'PrespaNet' so all relevant organisations in Macedonia, Greece and Albania can share information about the monitored species and develop a network for the effective conservation of Prespa Lake.

The events at this site will be in big part related to raising awareness among the inhabitants about how fragile this ecosystem is. Education about the rare natural values of this area will be one of the main topics during the events. Target groups will be school children, teachers, parents, farmers as well as nature lovers.

Prespa Lake IPA, a landscape moulded by nature and people

Prespa Lake is set within a beautiful landscape including two islands extensive wetlands and is surrounded by mountains which keep the water calm. A diverse ecosystem has evolved molded over the centuries by nature and people. Situated in the southwestern part of Macedonia, Prespa Lake is bounded by Albania and Greece and is one of the 13 transboundary IPAs in Macedonia and enjoys good recognition by all three countries as well as a wider interest from international partners.

For futher information: Ben Mc Carthy

Photo: Preska Lake IPA landscape.


Macedonian Ecological Society
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