Database for North African Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

This database was elaborated as part of the North Africa Biodiversity Project, funded by the Swiss Cooperation. Several experts from the region took part in drafting it by preparing a monograph on each species with information on the plant’s morphology, biology and ecology and including information on how that plant is used in North Africa. Although it contains information on traditional therapeutic uses of the plants, the database is not a medical tool and the data it contains should only be seen as of botanical, ecological and cultural value. The experts who helped draft it are specialists in botany, biology, ecology and conservation and do not pretend to any medical expertise.

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Found 2 species used for sedative in North Africa

Species: Cleome arabica subsp. amblyoca
Common Arabic Name: Mnitna Oum jlajel
Common English Name:
Common French Name: Cléome d’Arabie
Used for: bechic,sedative
More information: (pdf file)

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Species: Origanum syriacum
Common Arabic Name: Za`ater, Bardaqoash
Common English Name: Marjoram, Origanum, Sweet marj
Common French Name: Marjolaine d`Orient, Marjolain
Used for: Anti-rheumatic, Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Carminative, Cicatrizant, Digestive, Diuretic, Emmenagogue, Expectorant, Nervine, Sedative, Stimulant, Toni
More information: (pdf file)

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Developed by: CYBER VISION for IUCN-Med