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August 2015

In memoriam: Fernando Molina, Mar Cano, Matteo Fussili and Jean-Paul Taris

IUCN is deeply saddened by the loss of several collaborators, friends and supporters of the IUCN-Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation and extend our condolences to their family, colleagues and friends.

Fernando Molina, biologist and head chief of the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning of the Government of Andalusia, advised the Centre since its inception and actively collaborated in its creation. He was an expert, a supporter of the IUCN family and the first president of the Spanish Committee of IUCN. Moreover, he actively participated in the World Commission on Protected Areas, many General Assemblies and World Parks Congresses. Also, he actively worked for the creation of the Intercontinental Biosphere Reserve of the Mediterranean.

Mar Cano has, in recent years, helped developing the IUCN Conservation Strategy and National Action Plan of Barbary sheep (Ammotragus lervia) in Tunisia. She also actively participated in the development of a conservation strategy for North Africa Cuvier's gazelle. Her scientific career began with a pioneering project for the recovery of endangered wildlife in North Africa, which was part of the Arid Zone Experimental Station (EEZA) of the Higher Council for Scientific Research. Her field of interest was focused on conservation of gazelles and African aoudad.

Matteo Fusilli was the former president of the Italian Federation of Parks and Natural Reserves (Federparchi) and the National Park of Gargano, coordinator of the Italian Committee of IUCN, member of the Observatory of European Union policies for Protected Areas and Professor of "Sociology Tourism "in the economics faculty at the University of Foggia. He was an amazing person, who has dedicated all his life to the environment and has supported many projects developed by IUCN-Med.

Jean-Paul Taris, a passionate ornithologist and a graduate in Museum Studies and Ecology, first came to Le Tour du Valat in 1979. He was running Le Tour du Valat and was working alongside Luc Hoffmann in all his ventures, such as the upturn of the MAVA foundation, the development of the Society for the Protection of lake Prespa on the borders of Greece, Albania and Macedonia, the Fondation Internationale du Banc d'Arguin and the extension of its activities to the whole of the West African coast, and the TAKH association and its reintroduction of Przewalski's horses into Mongolia. In 2004 Jean-Paul became President of the Fondation Tour du Valat, a position he held until his death.

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