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January 2018

Exchange and cooperation between the Maghreb and France biosphere reserves

A delegation of senior officials and biosphere reserve (BR) managers from three North African countries (Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia) met with managers of RB of France (Mont Ventoux, Camargue and the Cevennes). This visit was part of the co-operation project between the North African and French BRs organized by the IUCN Center for Mediterranean Cooperation, in collaboration with the French Committee of the Man and Biosphere Program (MAB-UNESCO), from 6 to 10 November.

The members of this delegation discovered the interpretation center of the Cevennes valleys "Biosphéra" in Cendras, they also attended a workshop on plant products of Pendedis transformation in St-Michel-de-Dèze and were able to admire the splendid landscapes of the cevenole châtaigneraie in St-Privat-de-Vallongue.

The interesting questions that arose during the discussions focused on the governance of BRs, more specifically on how to involve local actors and achieve a concerted management of natural environments, agricultural and forest areas. In this sense, the experience of the Galeizon Valley was one of the most concrete examples illustrating what can be done in terms of local governance.

The discussion also focused on the link between environmental protection and economic activities through the development of sustainable agriculture and tourism promoted by the "Esprit national park" brand. "We are leaving with many ideas," said the delegation members. The exchange between the two shores of the Mediterranean should continue to support the development of Maghreb biosphere reserves.

For more informationMaher Mahjoub

Photo: © IUCN-Med 

Man and Biosphere Program (MAB-UNESCO)
Programme Afrique du Nord de l'UICN
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