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December 2021

IUCN and FEAP sign agreement to foster aquaculture sustainability and marine conservation

In Rome, the Federation of European Aquaculture Producers (FEAP) and IUCN signed a MoU for fostering collaboration on subjects relative to the sustainability of aquaculture and the conservation of marine ecosystems. 

Aware that aquaculture is a growing sector which is highly dependent on nature and that marine biodiversity protection is a common concern, FEAP and IUCN are committed to explore together the implementation of environmental practices for responsible fish farming, mitigation practices in aquaculture for vulnerable species, innovative approaches such as NbS and circular economy, and to identify and promote all types of opportunities and synergies between nature conservation and aquaculture. 

This MoU will be managed from the IUCN Center for Mediterranean Cooperation and will focus on the region but activities might also be developed in other parts of Europe, including freshwater ecosystems.

Photo © François Simard

More info: MariadelMar.OTERO@iucn.org
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