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May 2016

Flora and habitat conservation project launched in Algeria

As part of IUCN-Med's Conserving wild plants and habitats for people in the South and East Mediterranean (IPA Med) project, a kickoff workshop to launch the project's activities was held on January 18th and 19th 2016 at the Gouraya National-Park and Biosphere Reserve, to inform stakeholders about the objectives and the expected results of the project and to involve them in the different phases of its implementation.

This project will be conducted in Algeria by the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries (MADRP), the General Directorate of Forestry (DGF), and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) represented by the Center for Mediterranean Cooperation (IUCN-Med).

The main objective of this workshop was to present the activities and phases of the IPA Med project, in order to allow stakeholders to take ownership of the planned actions and expected results.

Moreover, two Important plant areas (IPAs) were selected to develop the actions planned within the project. The workshop allowed the IUCN-Med team to become aware of other flora conservation initiatives in Algeria in order to create synergies with these other projects.

During the technical part of the workshop, the Association Assirem Gouraya contributed with their experience on the ground to help increase the awareness and the integration of the local population in the protection of nature while improving their daily lives.

Photo: Inauguration of IPAs workshop with the Wali of Bejaia, the director of the Gouraya National Park, the Director General of Forestry of Algeria and the Director of IUCN-Med. © IUCN-Med

For more information: Teresa Gil


Conserving wild plants and habitats for people across the Mediterranean
Association Assirem Gouraya de Bejaia
Plantlife Website
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