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May 2016

Presenting the Red List of Mediterranean corals

The 19th Ordinary Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention hosted by the Hellenic Government, was held in Athens from 9 to 12 February 2016 with the participation of representatives of 21 Mediterranean countries and the European Union and other international organizations such IUCN, WWF, Oceana.

The IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation presented the last assessment of Mediterranean Anthozoans (corals,anemones, sea pens...). 136 species of Anthozoans natives to the Mediterranean Sea have been assessed for the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Nearly 13% are threatened and more than half of the species lack enough information to estimate their risk of extinction. The IUCN's summary highlights the need to have more efficient legal protection, and reduce the bycatch of anthozoans by the enforcement and expansion of fishing restrictions on bottom trawling and towed dredge. Further research and monitoring programmes should be target data deficient and threatened species have been underlined as well.

Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development 2016-2021

During the COP, delegates debated and adopted a number of decisions on biodiversity and ecosystems, land and sea-based pollution, sustainable consumption and production, and climate change adaptation. Among the decisions approved, Ministers endorsed the new text of the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development and its Action Plan 2016-2021.

This 6-year Action Plan aims at to tackling the existing and emerging environmental challenges of the Mediterranean such as prevent pollution from maritime transport, marine exploration, and land-based activities, protect biodiversity, manage coastal zones, and increase the resilience of the region to climate change impacts. The document not only propose actions but also identifies who should contribute to their implementation, highlighting the role of civil society and non-governmental organizations in addition to governments' actions.

The meeting coincided with the 40th anniversary of the Mediterranean Action Plan (PAM)-Barcelona Convention.


For further information: Alain Jeudy


Factsheet: Mediterranean Anthozoans
UNEP/MAP - Barcelona Convention
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