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September 2013


Special Feature


5th Steering Committee Meeting of the PEGASO project
Meeting on the Integrated Regional Assessment in Seville
PEGASO project presented at the 27th Session of the IOC Assembly
Building research capacity in International Cooperation Partner Countries
Two new workshops on scenario building in Lebanon and Turkey
PEGASO’s experience shared with the Alboran project
Interview with Mihail Costache, member of the End-User Committee
Other PEGASO participation in international events

Developing a common conceptual framework for the implementation of the ICZM: background to the ICZM Governance Platform

One of the main goals of the PEGASO project is to build a shared Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Governance Platform with scientists, users and decision makers, linked to new models of governance.

To achieve this objective, a PEGASO document coordinated by the University of Nottingham, together with experts from the Priority Actions Programme/Regional Activity Centre (PAP/RAC), the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and IFREMER (Institut Français de Recherche pour l´Exploitation de la Mer), has recently been submitted to the European Commission. The analysis aims to set out the background to the ICZM Governance Platform, a key outcome of the PEGASO project.

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PEGASO project Website

Global Congress on Integrated Coastal Management: Lessons Learned to Address New Challenges - Marmaris, Turkey, 30th October - 3rd November 2013

The ICZM Protocol for the Mediterranean
PEGASO is funded by the European Union within FP7- ENV.2009. Integrated Coastal Zone Management. Contract no. 244170

5th Steering Committee Meeting of the PEGASO project

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The forthcoming 5th Steering Committee Meeting of the PEGASO project was held in Barcelona (Spain) on 4-5 September 2013.The objective of the meeting was to discuss the latest developments and achievements of the project, and to plan future activities and outcomes. During the 1st session, the Steering Committee Members presented the most innovative aspects of each Work Package to the new representative of the FP7 Technical Secretariat, Stefan Weiers.

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PEGASO project website

Meeting on the Integrated Regional Assessment in Seville

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A meeting for several PEGASO partners was organized in Seville (Spain) on 28-29 May 2013, coordinated by the Universidad Pablo de Olavide. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the development of the Integrated Regional Assessment (IRA) and its interrelation with several tools and indicators produced during the project. The Integrated Regional Assessment seeks to provide an overview of governance and the institutional framework and their relation to the various threats and policy programmes.

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Mediterranean Coast Day 2013 (Programme)

PEGASO project presented at the 27th Session of the IOC Assembly

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The Assembly of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO held its 27th Session in Paris from 26 June to 5 July 2013. The IOC Assembly, composed of 145 Member States, meets every two years. It is the main body that approves the IOC´s general policy and main lines of work, including programmes and projects.

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PPT- Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICAM)
27th Session of the IOC Assembly (Documents)

Building research capacity in International Cooperation Partner Countries

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One of the major objectives of the European Commission´s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, as expressed during the PEGASO Negotiation Meeting held in Brussels in September 2009, is to assist International Cooperation Partner Countries (ICPC) in building their research capacity. Supporting this objective, the PEGASO project has scheduled several workshops to foster scientific capacity in Southern and Eastern partners in the coming months.

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List of International Co-operation Partner Countries (ICPC)
Nile Case
Aegean Islands Case
Guria Coastal Region Case
Video training material - LEAC methodology

Two new workshops on scenario building in Lebanon and Turkey

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Following the success of the Rabat workshop last March, two new scenario-building exercises using the Bayesian Belief Network (BBN) decision support tool are planned in the coming months.

With the assistance of the University of Nottingham, the University of Balamand in Lebanon and MEDCOAST (the Mediterranean Coastal Foundation) in Turkey, the two workshops will be organized with local stakeholders to analyse possible future scenarios for the Lebanese and Turkish coasts and to facilitate dialogue and an exchange of views among the stakeholders.

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PEGASO newsletters
North Lebanon Coastal Zone Case
Dalyan-Köycegiz Special Protected Area Case

PEGASO’s experience shared with the Alboran project

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The PEGASO project and the Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) were presented at the Poctefex Alboran project meeting held in Málaga (Spain) from 19 to 21 June. The Alboran meeting brought together more than 50 administration professionals, university and institutional researchers and NGOs from Morocco and Spain to present and discuss marine protected areas, conservation approaches for cetaceans and marine turtles, how to improve integrated coastal zone management and the development of global change indicators in the Alboran Sea.

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Technical meeting with working groups (June 2013)
IUCN-Med in the POCTEFEX-Alborán project
POCTEFEX-Alborán on the Junta de Andalucía website

Interview with Mihail Costache, member of the End-User Committee

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The members of the End-User Committee (EUC) are helping the PEGASO partners to prepare the exit strategy for the project. The challenge is to forecast the project results in the medium and long terms. Julien Le Tellier from Plan Bleu pour l´Environnement et le Développement en Méditerranée has interviewed Mihail Costache, a senior advisor in the Directorate of Management and Control of Water and Fisheries Resources of the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change in Romania.

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Full interview

Other PEGASO participation in international events

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Partners from the PEGASO project took part in the coordination meeting of FP7 projects in the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions that was held in Athens on 13-14 June. This two-day workshop was organized by Vangelis Papathanassiou, the PERSEUS scientific coordinator, and was attended by representatives of 19 projects (CLEANSEA, COCONET, CREAM, EMBLAS, Kill*Spill, JELLYRISK-MED, MARLISCO, MEDINA,MEDISEH, MEDSEA, MERMAID, MISIS, MYOCEAN2, STAGES, ODEMM, PEGASO, PERSEUS, ULIXES, VECTORS). 

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Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)
The Mediterranean Commission on Sustainable Development (MCSD)


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Mediterranean Coast Day 2013, Rimini, Italy, 25 September 2013
Coast Day 2013 is coming up. See the provisional programme here.

Integrated Coastal Zone Management Day, Montpellier, France, 26-27 September 2013
Montpellier University and the Languedoc-Roussillon regional delegation of the Ministry of the Environment are organizing an ICZM day devoted to coastal prospective in support of ICZM projects. All presentations, debates and exchanges will be in French.

40th CIESM Congress, Marseille, France, 28 October - 1 November 2013
The Mediterranean Science Commission (CIESM), with its headquarters in Monaco, involves researchers from all shores of the Basin in its activities, and will hold its 40th Congress at the end of October.

3rd International Marine Protected Areas Congress, Marseille and Corsica, France, 21-27 October 2013
After Australia in 2005 and the United States in 2009, France is hosting the 2013 International Marine Protected Areas Congress, organized by the Agence des Aires Marines Protégées (French MPA Agency), together with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). IMPAC3 welcomes all kinds of proposals, whatever their subject and format, as long as they have a connection to both the day-specific topics and the overarching themes of the congress.

EMECS 10-MEDCOAST 2013 Joint Conference - Global Congress on Integrated Coastal Management: Lessons Learned to Address New Challenges, Marmaris, Turkey, 30 October-3 November 2013
This will be a joint meeting of two major conference series, EMECS and MEDCOAST, with a special workshop on the EU FP7 PEGASO project and its contributions to ICZM.
The conference will discuss subjects considered to be of particular interest for the coastal environment. It is divided into several thematic groups to cover a wide range of topics from coastal conservation to integrated coastal management, coastal management issues and sustainable development of coastal areas.
The special session on the EU FP7 PEGASO Project will include a number of presentations from PEGASO partners to discuss the main results of this innovative cross-disciplinary work, bridging science and decision making in order to support the ICZM Protocol in the Mediterranean Sea. With the launching of the ICZM Protocol and the new EU Marine Spatial Planning/Integrated Coastal Management Draft Directive, the PEGASO project has developed a renewed ICZM concept and a number of innovative tools consistent with the Protocol vision, including ecosystem-based risk analysis and adaptation, and cross-boundary assessment for the coast and the sea. A number of coastal and marine assessment methods and tools that should be useful for managers have been developed; some are being implemented and some are still being tested at local, national and regional sites.
Conference site: http://conference.medcoast.net/
For more information: Erdal Özhan, medcoast@medcoast.net

Master's Programme in Port Economics and Management offered by Ca' Foscari University of Venice.
The programme is taught in English. Management issues relating to the environmental impacts of port activity and maritime transportation (port environmental management; traffic management, integrated environmental management and marine spatial planning; management of ships in distress and emergency plans, etc.) are also considered.

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